Get me outta here why can't i go back up?
All i have to say is: Awesome!
Get me outta here why can't i go back up?
All i have to say is: Awesome!
You saaaaved the world.
I laughed, i cried, and i laughed some more. and i wet my pants.
LOL it was cool! not as good as your others though. but either way, AWESOME!
I need your help defusing this atom bomb!
rofl! i dunno why its funny it just is! make more dude! these are AWESOME!
Good intro, not very good animation. maybe next time you can use like shape tweening to animate the consoles. and also some attacks went thru the consoles and i could see that wite background.
ill give you 3 but next time try harder.
charleeeee... lets go to candy mountain. rofl. love it,.
im a demon on wheels.
This vid was... you guessed it, awesome!
Look out hes got a nose!
Really random. Random is funny. Funny is good. Good is well... you get my point.
Hey, I'm Jujutiles from and I joined Newgrounds so I could submit my Flashes when i get Flash. (obviously.) So keep checking! And if you're still bored you can see my Pivots on my Youtube. Now get off my home page.
Joined on 8/19/08